What should I do if I feel the Industrial Action has had a serious detrimental impact on my studies or my assessments?

If you feel that as a result of Industrial Action taken in a module you are studying you require an individual adjustment to an assessment (such as an extension to an assignment submission or deferral of your examination etc.) you can submit a Personal Extenuating Circumstance (PEC) form. There is no requirement to submit documentary evidence for any Industrial Action-related PEC request but you must explain the issues you have faced, the impact this has had on your studies and a rationale for the requested adjustment.

Please be aware though that extending the deadline on an assignment may impact upon your other assessment submissions and that deferring a first attempt to the resit/summer exam period may mean that if you do not pass your first you may have to take some time out of your studies to take the resit opportunity available to you.

If you believe your end of year results have been negatively affected by the Industrial Action and you feel you have grounds for a review of a Board of Examiners decision, you can follow the Student Academic Queries and Appeals Procedure.

Alternatively, at the end of the academic year, if you believe that the Industrial Action has had a disproportionate, detrimental impact on you that has not been addressed or mitigated by alternative arrangements in your School, speak to your Degree Programme Director. If that does not resolve the issue then the University has a Student Complaints and Resolution Procedure through which you may wish to submit a complaint.


Last reviewed: 08.09.2023