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- Offer Holder Days
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Offer Holder Days on Campus
Find out more information about our on-campus Offer Holder Days
Once you have applied to the University you may get another chance to visit us at an Offer Holder Day, which is organised by the academic school you have applied to.
Invitations and further information are sent directly to applicants. You are usually given a choice of dates to attend - normally between November and March.
These events give you the chance to:
- see the teaching facilities
- meet members of staff who may be teaching you
- talk to current students who may be studying on the course to which you have applied
- have a look around the campus and the city
- visit University accommodation
If you have any queries about Offer Holder Days after you apply, please contact us using the details provided in your Offer Holder Day invitation.
Last reviewed: 15.08.2024