- Student Enquiries
- Careers, Employability and Entrepreneurship
- Further Study / Changes to Study
Academic Support for Current Students
Student Services and Facilities
Exams & Assessments for Current Students
Applicants and Future Students
Student IT FAQs
Tuition Fees, Funding & Finance
Careers, Employability and Entrepreneurship
Student Support, Health and Wellbeing
Travel and Visas
Terms and Conditions, Regulations and Complaints
FAQs for Parents
I’m interested in doing further study after I graduate. How can the Careers Service help?
You can book an online or in person appointment our Appointment Finder tool to speak to a member of the Careers Service if you want to explore whether further study is for you or need information and help choosing courses, researching funding and finding and applying for courses.
The Careers Service website also has information on Further Study and they also run events - see the Events page for details.
Last reviewed: 16.08.2024