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How will supervisory meetings be conducted for new Postgraduate Research students?
Information and guidance for new Postgraduate Research students about supervisory meetings.
It is important that you meet with your supervisor regularly and within 7 days of registering/arrival. This meeting will usually take place in person, but could be via Zoom if you are not on campus. Please contact your supervisor directly to arrange these meetings.
If you have any problems contacting your Supervisor, please contact your Graduate School:
- HaSS and SAgE students: gradschool@ncl.ac.uk
- FMS students – please use the relevant institute email address:
NUBI: NUBIpgenquiries@newcastle.ac.uk
TCRI: TCRIpgenquiries@newcastle.ac.uk
PHSI: PHSIpgenquiries@newcastle.ac.uk
Last reviewed: 20.08.2024