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What happens if I'm completing an exam at home and I usually have extra time and/or rest breaks in exams?
Advice for students who usually take extra time and/or rest breaks in exams, when completing exams at home.
If your assessment is a non-timed 24 hour take home paper, it will be available for you to access throughout the set 24 hour period. This allows you to choose when to commence the exam. Your school will tell you how long an exam will be, and any additional time and/or rest breaks previously agreed will be automatically included in the set 24 hour period to complete the assessment.
If your assessment is timed within a 24 hour period i.e. you will have a set time to complete the assessment from when you start it, any additional time and/or rest breaks previously agreed will be added to the time you have available to complete the assessment.
Last reviewed: 13.08.2024