- Student Enquiries
- Exams & Assessments for Current Students
- Take-home exams
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Exams & Assessments for Current Students
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FAQs for Parents
How can I alter the appearance of a take-home exam? For example, screen resolution, colours, font type, font size, brightness?
Advice for students who may need to alter the appearance of a take-home exam.
Students with Student Support Plans (SSP) will be able to use their own pre-installed assistive technology when preparing assessment submissions and tests delivered through Canvas.
For students with visual impairments, Windows Magnifier is available and you can modify, and save custom display settings.
For all students, including students with disabilities such as visual impairments and dyslexia, Microsoft has a range of Learning Tools built into Office 365 apps.
There is a range of software that you can access as students to support your studies and facilitate exam accessibility, including full access to the Microsoft Office 365 suite of tools (which all students can download for free). You can find advice on the software provision and accessibility help that is available to you as a student, here.
If your request is for software which is essential for you to be able to complete an assessment but you are unable to download and install it or it won’t run on your device, please log a request via https://nuservice.ncl.ac.uk/
Last reviewed: 07.09.2022